Tuesday, November 27, 2007

*We All learn from our mistakes*

Everyone learns from their mistakes regardless of how bad the consequences outcome to be. A big percentage of teenagers unfortunately tend to learn when the bad cosequences make them reflect. Mostly when their isn't a level of maturity the person seems to reflect on something that has left them a major impact. Not everyone goes through that unless it deals with a bad habit like an addiction. Some people have to go through a bad problem until they learn because we all don't learn in the same way. Some are faster in preventing and others choose the bad way but ends up learning when is to late. In my opinion is never to end to start a life of happiness. Of course when it comes to age it becomes more difficult because the ability of the human body chabges over time. My mom read to me the verse in the bible that says " By the fruit of a tree you shall identify the tree and what it needs". This is very true because we are like tres we the way we are identifies who we are and where we would probably end up. Yeah some people give good personalities and others don't but at the end we will reflect when we have grown with an outstanding maturity. Life makes a person smarter with the experience they obtain through the path of our life time. That is my opinion of people learning or their mistakes.

*****When help is needed we r #1*****

In my own opinion I do agree with the U.S getting involved in all kinds of issues. Yes, its true we were competing when it came to dealing with WW1. Competition is always going to be seen in any argumentor battle because everyone tries to be the best they can even I do. We are consider one of the best and strongest nation, and we should be proud of it. When another nation is asking for help why not help if it is for a good cause and we benefit from it. The U.S is trying to free other countries and help other countries which is consider valuable. Yes, we have issues here in the U.S, but like I always say everything happens for a reason. The United States is not stupid they know what they are doing eventhough we are taking risks after risks.We must learn to trust in God and always help others. Some certain wars caused liberty and freedom to have a democracy for their government to other countries.I am always proud to be the best, its not called being selfish is called fighting for a nice reputation. The U.S isn't perfect but is known for the land of opportunities. Many people die trying to come to the United States and many people die fighting for the U.S. My point is that I agree with everything that has happened because we grow up from mistakes and so did this nation.So their is a reason why getting involved to help other nations is a benefit to us.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All that I the woods Witnessed

I am the McPherson Woods,
I have witness enough compared to other woods
The deaths and suffer of confederate soldiers
I really can’t even explain the pain of those soldiers

I hear the word help and all I could say is O my God
The soldiers were dead after a surprising attack
Those Yanks were smart like a fox
In my opinion it was just a buck and gang from God

I could smell fear and the dried blood of the dead bodies
The dead bodies where there with their accoutrements
Yes, I could smell the accoutrements with the smell of leather
But the horror of this attack has left me surprised and shocked

I never thought I was going to be part of this disaster
Just a day before, the first rate I and the confederate soldiers felt was gone
The bones that were used were left beside one of my trunks
The hope was lost; I never again want to see dead soldiers surrounding me
All that was left is scarves and fingerprints and my memories that will never
Be heard, But I witnessed, I sure did witnessed everything

My letter as a rifle for a nation

Dear Nation;

I am a rifle who has been used by a Jonah. He was a Confederate who began the Civil War at Fort Sumter. I witnessed the mistakes and helped by being his rifle. I noticed the hatred there was in Johnny. I wanted to scream and prevent a war, but I am only a rifle. I suffered through the causes of my use. I write to a nation of unity to forgive me for being his rifle. I knew that when they fired me I would begin the deadliest war among Americans. I, as his rifle, understood that my owner Ruffin, Pvt. Edmund wanted to make a point and was afraid of being over told what to do with his slaves. I heard him night over night in his deep conflict, and I understood I was his only hope. He knew I was his only way on feeling pride. Unfortunately he didn’t know that this was useless because the union or in other words the northern states were gonna win anyway. I feel bad to be the rifle who started a conflict, but what was I to do but to support my owner. I really want everyone to forgive my owner and me because what does a man do with so much anger but destroy not thinking what we are doing. Now that the war is over, in my memory it seems like it was still yesterday. I am held in a coffin where I remember the days where I was used and when I saw all the Confederates with such evil eyes and thoughts. Things happen for a reason I think, but all that I can say now is “Thank God this is over with”. If I was to be used again for another battle, I would really pray for it not to be me, not this rifle again. I have lived ashamed, and I am trying to not feel guilty by asking forgiveness through this letter.

To all the nation sincerely;
This old humble rifle

My Gilded Age Acrostic Words :)

Gold appearance
Decisions taken
Derived groups

Growing union
ngineering era

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fighting for others is different than being nosy !!!

Yeah, sometimes it is ok to get involved in other people's lives.For example it is ok to get involved when people try to take advantage over others who don't have the same knowledge they do. In my opinion that isn't right. If I see someone making someone else feel bad because of their language, race, or other reasons, I would try to make them feel good and stop what is being done to them. If it was a fight among students for their own personal reasons, I would not be nosy because I don't care. So people should mind their own business unless they are asking or in need of help. Nosy people get on everyones nerves. I only get involved when there is enough trust and when it is someone I really know. So there is a limit for everything in life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good rich people and the rest!!!!

Some rich people like Shakira and Bill Gates use their money wisely. They use their money for them selfs and donate to organizations or programs to help others. They even give scholarships to students. Not every rich people or artist do this nice blessings others like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears use their money for drugs or other bad habits. Really money can be a problem for some people and good for others. In my opinion I really don't care about money as long as I have enough to live. I have heard a saying from my mom that says "Money is the root to all evil". Well money is needed by everyone, but it is nice when people talk nice and critize well about rich people. Not like other rich people make it become an emberrasment.
Some rich people earn all their money like Bill Gates and Shakira with their skills. Other rich people like Paris Hilton inherite their money from their families and make a waste of it because they haven't earn. So in this era their is a lot of propaganda with rich people doing bad, but everyone recognizes goood people who do good use of their money. We honor and admired millionaires who try to help communities and our population of teens. On ly God knows what will keep on hapening with our celebreties. Hopefully more good rich people will appear.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Biggest Argument Ever

Well the biggest argument I have had is with my parents. I could still close my eyes and remember it perfectly. I have never been so mad before until one year and half ago. My parents decided to come to Georgia and leave California. I thought I was going to hate them for ever, but now I actually thank them. I didn't try to avoid the fight because I was in shock when they told me we were leaving. I was a minor so I had no other option than to obey.I crie, screamed, and basically acted in a tutile way. I remember the tears rolling down my eyes with millions of nods in my throat. I couldn't believe it, how could we leave a place so fun like California. Well Ifought against my parents by not talking to them for four months. On the way here, I remember getting into a big depression. I got into a depression because I left my friends, my boyfriend, mybeutiful and nicest teachers of the whole world, my school, and the most important my church. Why would my parents make me feel so bad? I thought not knowing that I was going to make a family here in Georgia. I guess, everything has a purpose but it was just hard for me to understand.
In conclusion, I got convinced that I had to go on and find myself here in Gerorgia. I like my house and the fact that I am having a baby and have the most wonderful boyfriend ever. So time cures everything and now I eventually got over it. I still asked myself, What my life would of been if I had never comed here to this state?. It has been hard to adapt to this environment but as long as I have peace with my family I am happy. Well this argument helped me understand that I have to learn to adapt to any circumstance. A life can change in a minute and we have to go on no matter how hard it is. Keeping peace is the most wonderful feeling there is. I really don't like to fight unless it is to defend myself. I thank God I have never got into a physical fight and don't plan to ever get in one. I consider myself more as a problem resolver.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Everyone needs their parents attention

I am nineteen years old and as far as I can remember it really wasn't easy to grow up not knowing about life. Growing up is painful when your parents are not there for you as much as I would of wanted. I was born in Guatemala and came here to the U.S when I was three. So that basically means I didn't know anything about my native country. My first language was Spanish, so when I started to go to school I wouldn't understand anything anyone would say to me. I remember being embarrased all the time. My mom and dad enrolled me in a day care after school. I was then later picked up by my babysitter. My babysitter was like a mom to me because she was always there for me. My mom and dad would always work and give me money all the time, but what I really needed was their time and love. I had the freedom to do anything in my early teenage years, but that only led to trouble . I had friends who knew much more about life and taught me things I really wasn't supposed to know at that time. My friends were dealing with problems in their lives that could have led to death. I have always been Christian, so I knew what was right and wrong, but even being a witness you're participating in their acts. My mom later on decided to stop working and dedicate time for me and my dad also.This helped it to make my life better and exiting for me now.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Assignment 6: On Unit 2

I decided to read the newspaper account of the Bostson Massacre. My reaction was surprizing to what I read in this article. I learned to thank God for being born in this century. The main point was that The Boston Massacre was caused by a group of boys who threw snow balls at some soldiers. To be honest what a small caused for such a crual battle. Soldiers wouldn't respect and they would torture or try to harm habitants of a streeet not caring who they were. This makes me not be part of that time period it seems very difficult to survive. Wow, I am really surpized and happy because we won after all. Any parent would fight for there children, families, and future generations. I enjoyed reading this article and recommended for other people to read it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

question 2

Would you be willing to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling the purposes of government you listed above? Why? Why not?

* I would join any revolution if its for a good cause. First of all, as far as I know the government now days hide many unfair circumstances that citizens don't know of. Fighting for liberty, justice, and freedom is what our ancestors and future kids would do, because our voice needs to always be heard. Keeping fair treatment among this region is very important because in our constitution says that all men are created equal and not everyone in the United States are treated with equality. All I know is that I support what is right.

Unit 2: Assignment one

List of five purposes of the government
  1. To bring and maintain harmony, keep peace
  2. To keep organize and stable
  3. The freedom for majority to choose what benefits everyone
  4. To protect the decision or liberty of every individual
  5. To make fair treatment and justice for people and communities

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

*******Assignment 8 *******

If I had the chance to trade spots with someone in the 18th century here in America, I wouldn't take the risk. I wouldn't switch spots because my family is the best family in the world. I thank God because he has permited me to be born on my birthday. There isn't anything in my life I would change. So far I have had struggles, but my parents have taught me to comprehend and analyse circumstances the best I can. I might have many disadvantages. For example, I might be poor because technology wasn't as advanced like today. So in conclusion, I am really happy with my life and my family, which means that no matter what happens to me I wouldn't switch spots with anyone.

A Well-Ordered Family

I read Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family (Boston, 1712). The main objective in this page is basically the duties and guidance of husbands and wives. Honestly to me this is in line with my morals and with what I have been taught all my life. By reading this document I learned that life in the colonies was similar to today. The document seemed written as from the bible were it describes the patience and love you are supposed to have in a marriage. Today there are many families without both parents and this has an effect on our community. During colonial times they were taught to be more conservative. I think this would be taught in the past, present, and future because it is considered the right thing to do. The only problem is that Ithink there wasn't enough freedom for divorces in a couple which is common now in the new century. People should know who to marry and be faithful because if their not going to be faithful or patient, then why get married. A problem is that future generations are learning to accept that divorce is ok. Then Again this is only my opinion. Every person has a different way of living, but myself being a christian I handle marriage as something pure and holy. In other words I believe marriage is the most beautiful accomplishment that many people should honor.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My opinion on assignment # 1

If I had to immigrate to a place for an economic reason or for freedom I would definitely say The United States. The democratic government here is not perfect but it is consider one of the best comparing other governments from other regions. You get to decide your belief or the religion I want and that is something you cannot do in Europe. Jews are an example of freedom of religion the cause of wars and the cause of fighting for a good reason. The dollar is a perfect economic trade I prefer in my opinion. I love the way you live here with all the benefits that are given to people to survive. I have explored other countries and The United States have helped others because Everyone wants to come and be part of this nation in their own specific way. I am blessed to be here in the United States because thousands of people die every hour just to come eat and live the way we Americans do. But then again its only my opinion..:)

Assignment #1

In this new century many immigrants risk their lives in order to get into the united states. Many families gain or lose their morals and their goals. Most of the people who come to the United States is for a better living than what they got back in other poor countries. People who can't support or maintain their family with what they earn in the living environment they are before risking everything. Some immigrants make it a live when they come and they work to send all their money in order to support the poor people that stayed. For example Wives that have two or more children and can't dress them or feed them with what their husbands have tend to risk their privilege of being united. Always the head of the house is the first one who come here to the United States but when they stay here up north they usually find someone else to live with and forget about the reason they came for and lose the morals of their marriage and their responsibilities. Not all men are like that but most of them can't seem to be alone.
Some immigrants who come to the United States for freedom or liberty tend to do better here then in their countries. Cubans for example come to succeed here away from the totalitarian government they unfortunately have back with Fidel Castro. Other people from other regions have family here already and are helped and successful in everything they do. So their are advantages for some people and disadvantages with others its just on the luck and support you get to have in order to come to the United States.

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Impressions of Blogger

Well I enjoyed making my blog!!! Its an exiting assignment and page to have. I can't wait to get some pictures of me and friends in my blog ;) but I guess we have to wait. Um I am gonna keep on learning in order to addapt some images or videos into this blog for everyone to see!!!! yeah ........ I am exited !!!!
My first impression wasn"t as bad shoked because I thought I was going to be bord in this class but it couldn't get better. Wish anyone luck and motivate them to make a blog its definitely like myspace but cleaner and with more matureness!!!