Tuesday, November 27, 2007

*We All learn from our mistakes*

Everyone learns from their mistakes regardless of how bad the consequences outcome to be. A big percentage of teenagers unfortunately tend to learn when the bad cosequences make them reflect. Mostly when their isn't a level of maturity the person seems to reflect on something that has left them a major impact. Not everyone goes through that unless it deals with a bad habit like an addiction. Some people have to go through a bad problem until they learn because we all don't learn in the same way. Some are faster in preventing and others choose the bad way but ends up learning when is to late. In my opinion is never to end to start a life of happiness. Of course when it comes to age it becomes more difficult because the ability of the human body chabges over time. My mom read to me the verse in the bible that says " By the fruit of a tree you shall identify the tree and what it needs". This is very true because we are like tres we the way we are identifies who we are and where we would probably end up. Yeah some people give good personalities and others don't but at the end we will reflect when we have grown with an outstanding maturity. Life makes a person smarter with the experience they obtain through the path of our life time. That is my opinion of people learning or their mistakes.

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