Tuesday, November 27, 2007

*We All learn from our mistakes*

Everyone learns from their mistakes regardless of how bad the consequences outcome to be. A big percentage of teenagers unfortunately tend to learn when the bad cosequences make them reflect. Mostly when their isn't a level of maturity the person seems to reflect on something that has left them a major impact. Not everyone goes through that unless it deals with a bad habit like an addiction. Some people have to go through a bad problem until they learn because we all don't learn in the same way. Some are faster in preventing and others choose the bad way but ends up learning when is to late. In my opinion is never to end to start a life of happiness. Of course when it comes to age it becomes more difficult because the ability of the human body chabges over time. My mom read to me the verse in the bible that says " By the fruit of a tree you shall identify the tree and what it needs". This is very true because we are like tres we the way we are identifies who we are and where we would probably end up. Yeah some people give good personalities and others don't but at the end we will reflect when we have grown with an outstanding maturity. Life makes a person smarter with the experience they obtain through the path of our life time. That is my opinion of people learning or their mistakes.

*****When help is needed we r #1*****

In my own opinion I do agree with the U.S getting involved in all kinds of issues. Yes, its true we were competing when it came to dealing with WW1. Competition is always going to be seen in any argumentor battle because everyone tries to be the best they can even I do. We are consider one of the best and strongest nation, and we should be proud of it. When another nation is asking for help why not help if it is for a good cause and we benefit from it. The U.S is trying to free other countries and help other countries which is consider valuable. Yes, we have issues here in the U.S, but like I always say everything happens for a reason. The United States is not stupid they know what they are doing eventhough we are taking risks after risks.We must learn to trust in God and always help others. Some certain wars caused liberty and freedom to have a democracy for their government to other countries.I am always proud to be the best, its not called being selfish is called fighting for a nice reputation. The U.S isn't perfect but is known for the land of opportunities. Many people die trying to come to the United States and many people die fighting for the U.S. My point is that I agree with everything that has happened because we grow up from mistakes and so did this nation.So their is a reason why getting involved to help other nations is a benefit to us.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

All that I the woods Witnessed

I am the McPherson Woods,
I have witness enough compared to other woods
The deaths and suffer of confederate soldiers
I really can’t even explain the pain of those soldiers

I hear the word help and all I could say is O my God
The soldiers were dead after a surprising attack
Those Yanks were smart like a fox
In my opinion it was just a buck and gang from God

I could smell fear and the dried blood of the dead bodies
The dead bodies where there with their accoutrements
Yes, I could smell the accoutrements with the smell of leather
But the horror of this attack has left me surprised and shocked

I never thought I was going to be part of this disaster
Just a day before, the first rate I and the confederate soldiers felt was gone
The bones that were used were left beside one of my trunks
The hope was lost; I never again want to see dead soldiers surrounding me
All that was left is scarves and fingerprints and my memories that will never
Be heard, But I witnessed, I sure did witnessed everything

My letter as a rifle for a nation

Dear Nation;

I am a rifle who has been used by a Jonah. He was a Confederate who began the Civil War at Fort Sumter. I witnessed the mistakes and helped by being his rifle. I noticed the hatred there was in Johnny. I wanted to scream and prevent a war, but I am only a rifle. I suffered through the causes of my use. I write to a nation of unity to forgive me for being his rifle. I knew that when they fired me I would begin the deadliest war among Americans. I, as his rifle, understood that my owner Ruffin, Pvt. Edmund wanted to make a point and was afraid of being over told what to do with his slaves. I heard him night over night in his deep conflict, and I understood I was his only hope. He knew I was his only way on feeling pride. Unfortunately he didn’t know that this was useless because the union or in other words the northern states were gonna win anyway. I feel bad to be the rifle who started a conflict, but what was I to do but to support my owner. I really want everyone to forgive my owner and me because what does a man do with so much anger but destroy not thinking what we are doing. Now that the war is over, in my memory it seems like it was still yesterday. I am held in a coffin where I remember the days where I was used and when I saw all the Confederates with such evil eyes and thoughts. Things happen for a reason I think, but all that I can say now is “Thank God this is over with”. If I was to be used again for another battle, I would really pray for it not to be me, not this rifle again. I have lived ashamed, and I am trying to not feel guilty by asking forgiveness through this letter.

To all the nation sincerely;
This old humble rifle

My Gilded Age Acrostic Words :)

Gold appearance
Decisions taken
Derived groups

Growing union
ngineering era

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fighting for others is different than being nosy !!!

Yeah, sometimes it is ok to get involved in other people's lives.For example it is ok to get involved when people try to take advantage over others who don't have the same knowledge they do. In my opinion that isn't right. If I see someone making someone else feel bad because of their language, race, or other reasons, I would try to make them feel good and stop what is being done to them. If it was a fight among students for their own personal reasons, I would not be nosy because I don't care. So people should mind their own business unless they are asking or in need of help. Nosy people get on everyones nerves. I only get involved when there is enough trust and when it is someone I really know. So there is a limit for everything in life.