Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Assignment 6: On Unit 2

I decided to read the newspaper account of the Bostson Massacre. My reaction was surprizing to what I read in this article. I learned to thank God for being born in this century. The main point was that The Boston Massacre was caused by a group of boys who threw snow balls at some soldiers. To be honest what a small caused for such a crual battle. Soldiers wouldn't respect and they would torture or try to harm habitants of a streeet not caring who they were. This makes me not be part of that time period it seems very difficult to survive. Wow, I am really surpized and happy because we won after all. Any parent would fight for there children, families, and future generations. I enjoyed reading this article and recommended for other people to read it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

question 2

Would you be willing to join a revolution if our government was not fulfilling the purposes of government you listed above? Why? Why not?

* I would join any revolution if its for a good cause. First of all, as far as I know the government now days hide many unfair circumstances that citizens don't know of. Fighting for liberty, justice, and freedom is what our ancestors and future kids would do, because our voice needs to always be heard. Keeping fair treatment among this region is very important because in our constitution says that all men are created equal and not everyone in the United States are treated with equality. All I know is that I support what is right.

Unit 2: Assignment one

List of five purposes of the government
  1. To bring and maintain harmony, keep peace
  2. To keep organize and stable
  3. The freedom for majority to choose what benefits everyone
  4. To protect the decision or liberty of every individual
  5. To make fair treatment and justice for people and communities

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

*******Assignment 8 *******

If I had the chance to trade spots with someone in the 18th century here in America, I wouldn't take the risk. I wouldn't switch spots because my family is the best family in the world. I thank God because he has permited me to be born on my birthday. There isn't anything in my life I would change. So far I have had struggles, but my parents have taught me to comprehend and analyse circumstances the best I can. I might have many disadvantages. For example, I might be poor because technology wasn't as advanced like today. So in conclusion, I am really happy with my life and my family, which means that no matter what happens to me I wouldn't switch spots with anyone.

A Well-Ordered Family

I read Benjamin Wadsworth, A Well-Ordered Family (Boston, 1712). The main objective in this page is basically the duties and guidance of husbands and wives. Honestly to me this is in line with my morals and with what I have been taught all my life. By reading this document I learned that life in the colonies was similar to today. The document seemed written as from the bible were it describes the patience and love you are supposed to have in a marriage. Today there are many families without both parents and this has an effect on our community. During colonial times they were taught to be more conservative. I think this would be taught in the past, present, and future because it is considered the right thing to do. The only problem is that Ithink there wasn't enough freedom for divorces in a couple which is common now in the new century. People should know who to marry and be faithful because if their not going to be faithful or patient, then why get married. A problem is that future generations are learning to accept that divorce is ok. Then Again this is only my opinion. Every person has a different way of living, but myself being a christian I handle marriage as something pure and holy. In other words I believe marriage is the most beautiful accomplishment that many people should honor.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My opinion on assignment # 1

If I had to immigrate to a place for an economic reason or for freedom I would definitely say The United States. The democratic government here is not perfect but it is consider one of the best comparing other governments from other regions. You get to decide your belief or the religion I want and that is something you cannot do in Europe. Jews are an example of freedom of religion the cause of wars and the cause of fighting for a good reason. The dollar is a perfect economic trade I prefer in my opinion. I love the way you live here with all the benefits that are given to people to survive. I have explored other countries and The United States have helped others because Everyone wants to come and be part of this nation in their own specific way. I am blessed to be here in the United States because thousands of people die every hour just to come eat and live the way we Americans do. But then again its only my opinion..:)

Assignment #1

In this new century many immigrants risk their lives in order to get into the united states. Many families gain or lose their morals and their goals. Most of the people who come to the United States is for a better living than what they got back in other poor countries. People who can't support or maintain their family with what they earn in the living environment they are before risking everything. Some immigrants make it a live when they come and they work to send all their money in order to support the poor people that stayed. For example Wives that have two or more children and can't dress them or feed them with what their husbands have tend to risk their privilege of being united. Always the head of the house is the first one who come here to the United States but when they stay here up north they usually find someone else to live with and forget about the reason they came for and lose the morals of their marriage and their responsibilities. Not all men are like that but most of them can't seem to be alone.
Some immigrants who come to the United States for freedom or liberty tend to do better here then in their countries. Cubans for example come to succeed here away from the totalitarian government they unfortunately have back with Fidel Castro. Other people from other regions have family here already and are helped and successful in everything they do. So their are advantages for some people and disadvantages with others its just on the luck and support you get to have in order to come to the United States.

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Impressions of Blogger

Well I enjoyed making my blog!!! Its an exiting assignment and page to have. I can't wait to get some pictures of me and friends in my blog ;) but I guess we have to wait. Um I am gonna keep on learning in order to addapt some images or videos into this blog for everyone to see!!!! yeah ........ I am exited !!!!
My first impression wasn"t as bad shoked because I thought I was going to be bord in this class but it couldn't get better. Wish anyone luck and motivate them to make a blog its definitely like myspace but cleaner and with more matureness!!!