Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Good rich people and the rest!!!!

Some rich people like Shakira and Bill Gates use their money wisely. They use their money for them selfs and donate to organizations or programs to help others. They even give scholarships to students. Not every rich people or artist do this nice blessings others like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears use their money for drugs or other bad habits. Really money can be a problem for some people and good for others. In my opinion I really don't care about money as long as I have enough to live. I have heard a saying from my mom that says "Money is the root to all evil". Well money is needed by everyone, but it is nice when people talk nice and critize well about rich people. Not like other rich people make it become an emberrasment.
Some rich people earn all their money like Bill Gates and Shakira with their skills. Other rich people like Paris Hilton inherite their money from their families and make a waste of it because they haven't earn. So in this era their is a lot of propaganda with rich people doing bad, but everyone recognizes goood people who do good use of their money. We honor and admired millionaires who try to help communities and our population of teens. On ly God knows what will keep on hapening with our celebreties. Hopefully more good rich people will appear.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Biggest Argument Ever

Well the biggest argument I have had is with my parents. I could still close my eyes and remember it perfectly. I have never been so mad before until one year and half ago. My parents decided to come to Georgia and leave California. I thought I was going to hate them for ever, but now I actually thank them. I didn't try to avoid the fight because I was in shock when they told me we were leaving. I was a minor so I had no other option than to obey.I crie, screamed, and basically acted in a tutile way. I remember the tears rolling down my eyes with millions of nods in my throat. I couldn't believe it, how could we leave a place so fun like California. Well Ifought against my parents by not talking to them for four months. On the way here, I remember getting into a big depression. I got into a depression because I left my friends, my boyfriend, mybeutiful and nicest teachers of the whole world, my school, and the most important my church. Why would my parents make me feel so bad? I thought not knowing that I was going to make a family here in Georgia. I guess, everything has a purpose but it was just hard for me to understand.
In conclusion, I got convinced that I had to go on and find myself here in Gerorgia. I like my house and the fact that I am having a baby and have the most wonderful boyfriend ever. So time cures everything and now I eventually got over it. I still asked myself, What my life would of been if I had never comed here to this state?. It has been hard to adapt to this environment but as long as I have peace with my family I am happy. Well this argument helped me understand that I have to learn to adapt to any circumstance. A life can change in a minute and we have to go on no matter how hard it is. Keeping peace is the most wonderful feeling there is. I really don't like to fight unless it is to defend myself. I thank God I have never got into a physical fight and don't plan to ever get in one. I consider myself more as a problem resolver.